Acute myeloid leukemia myelodysplasia-related (AML-MR) in microscopic images

 Particularităţi morfologice ale leucemiei acute mieloide asociate mielodisplaziei (LAM-MR)

First published: 27 martie 2024

Editorial Group: MEDICHUB MEDIA

DOI: 10.26416/OnHe.66.1.2024.9394


Representative microscopic images of bone marrow aspirate from a patient previously diagnosed with high-risk myelodysplastic neoplasm that has recently evolved into acute myeloid leukemia (AML)

microscopy, acute myeloid leukemia, neoplasm


Particularităţi morfologice ale leucemiei acute mieloide asociate mielodisplaziei (LAM-MR)

Figure 1 A, B. Hypercellular bone marrow with multilineage dysplasia and an increased percentage of blasts (35% of nucleated cells). Small medium-sized myeloblasts, erythroid precursors with megaloblastoid features and nuclear irregularities (A, B), hyposegmented neutrophils (A), and unilobulated megakaryocyte are observed (B). May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain, 100x
Figure 1 A, B. Hypercellular bone marrow with multilineage dysplasia and an increased percentage of blasts (35% of nucleated cells). Small medium-sized myeloblasts, erythroid precursors with megaloblastoid features and nuclear irregularities (A, B), hyposegmented neutrophils (A), and unilobulated megakaryocyte are observed (B). May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain, 100x
Figure 2. Bone marrow imprint describing a large percentage of myeloblasts, some with Auer rods. The background revealed some myelodysplasia aspects, such as erythroblasts with a megaloblastic appearance and hypogranular granulocytes (100x)
Figure 2. Bone marrow imprint describing a large percentage of myeloblasts, some with Auer rods. The background revealed some myelodysplasia aspects, such as erythroblasts with a megaloblastic appearance and hypogranular granulocytes (100x)

Corresponding author: Stejara-Nicoleta Mihai E-mail: stejara-nicoleta.mihai@drd.umfcd.ro

Conflict of interest: none declared.

Financial support: none declared.

This work is permanently accessible online free of charge and published under the CC-BY licence.

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