The third number of the jour­nal in 2020 brings to the fore the cae­sa­rean section (C-section), the most im­por­tant surgical obstetrical pro­ce­dure, which, according to the European Health for All database, reaches up to 40.1% in Romania, one of the highest rate in the world.

The obstetrics section of the journal in­cludes a review focusing on the data avai­lable regarding surgical site in­fec­tions in obstetrics, including risk fac­tors, diag­nosis and management.

Another article about suture tech­niques in caesarean section concludes that the short-term and the long-term con­se­quences of the intervention de­pend on the technique used in each stage of the procedure, the choice of me­thod being essentially influenced by the knowledge of anatomical landmarks and by the scientific evidence. 

Moving on, maybe one of the most con­tro­versial articles focuses on evidence-based medicine on false beliefs about the in­di­ca­tions of the C-section in Romania, the intriguing tale of how pregnant wo­men request a caesarean section, some­times encouraged by healthcare givers, analyzing, one by one, the in­di­ca­tions that are misbelieved, such as: fe­tal nuchal cord, oligohydramnios at term for normally structured fetuses, ma­ter­nal obesity, fetal macrosomia, the 40-week pregnancy, hepatitis B and C, human papil­lo­ma­virus (HPV) infection, and un­com­pli­cated myopia.

The articles in this journal also ap­proach gynecology and infertility issues, such as ultrasound diagnosis of ovarian fi­bro­mas, inhib as a serum marker for post­me­no­pau­sal women with epithelial ova­rian cancer, and a review with the aim to identify whether poor perinatal out­comes and pregnancy complications are higher among women with poor ova­rian response.

In the interdisciplinary section, it is pre­sen­ted one of the most effective and suc­ces­sful techniques for direct resin com­po­site restorations in pregnancy: the bulk-fill technique. The authors em­pha­size that, in pregnant women, the cha­­rac­­te­ris­tics of dental treatment must meet few important aspects: a mini­mal ope­­ra­tive stress and trauma, if pos­sible one-session treatment, short working time, and long-time results, mean­ing an in­creased survival rate of the res­to­ra­tion. 

In the end, it is our great pleasure to invite all of you to two prestigious events in obstetrics and gynecology. First, The 8th Congress of The Romanian Society of Ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gyne­cology, which, this year, taking into ac­count the current situation with the SARS-CoV-2 infection, will take place online, between the 1st and the 3rd of October 2020. Thereafter, also on­line, between the 26th and the 28th of No­vem­ber 2020, there will be hosted The “Vasile Dobrovici” Medical Days and The National Congress of Urogynecology.