Project launch “I CARE – the improvement in the level of competence of human resources in cancer care”, project code: 108211

03 Aprilie 2018
The “Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu” Oncolo­gy Institute, Bucharest, as Beneficiary, working in partnership with Part NET Association - Partnership for durable development, announces the start of the project “I CARE - THE IMPROVEMENT IN THE LEVEL OF COMPETENCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN CANCER CARE”, PROJECT CODE: 108211, a project financed from the Social European Fund, through the Human Resource Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority axis 4 - Social inclusion and poverty eradication, Thematic objective 9 - The promotion of social inclusion, poverty eradication and of any discrimination form, The investment priority 9.iv, The growth of the access to high quality services including medical care and social services of general interest, The specific objective 4.8: The improvement in the level of competences of the healthcare professionals. 
The project has a length of 36 months,between 11.12.2017 and 10.12.2020, with an eligible value of 12969592.95 lei, out of which 10950919.73 lei contributed from EU monetary fund.
The general objective of the project is formed by the improvement in the level of competence of 1000 professionals from the medical sector, which are implied in the prevention, diagnostic and cancer treatment, through specific training programmes, clinical simulations, the up-to-date development of new professional formation programmes, everything in correlation with the existing needs, the organisation of EMC courses, the participation in experience exchange programmes. 
The project will be implemented in all 8 regions of Romania: Bucharest - Ilfov, South - Muntenia, South-East, South-West, Centre, North-East, North-West and West, and the main estimated results are:
  • 1000 specialists selected as follows: 340 doctors, 600 nurses and 60 family doctors 
  • 8 continuous medical education programs accredited by the Medical Committee 
  • 400 doctors, out of which 60 family doctors taking part to the continuous education medical programs 
  • 5 programs of continuous medical education for nurses accredited by OAMGMAMR
  • 450 nurses participating in continuous medical programs 
  • 340 doctors participation in clinical simulation by innovative equipment 
  • 8 round tables on regions regarding the identification of the necessary upgrades, introduction of new occupational standards
  • 150 nurses benefiting from courses of professional formation in the new updated fields 
  • 100 professionals from the medical field (60 doctors and 40 nurses) taking part into the exchange programs in Italy
  • 60 doctors taking part to congresses/international scientific meetings for instruction in oncology.
The project will have a positive effect in the long run, by developing actions which regard the improvement in healthcare services, the possibility to have accurate knowledge in order to improve and modernise the existing prevention programmes, and to take part efficiently in diagnostic and cancer treatment. In this way, there will be an optimised quality of medical services offered to the population, by thus answering adequately to the provocation and problems of current inequality, which represent aggravating factors of high mortality, poverty and social exclusion. The project brings a positive note to the development of the medical system through the improvement in the professional competence in this field, up to European standards, and the introduction of new innovative instruments which can help in the fight for life. 
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us,
Marian Marincaş, Project Manager
Telephone: 0723.392.920; e-mail:
“Prof. Dr. Al. Trestioreanu”, Bucharest Oncology Institute 
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