Scientific Days of the Institute of Oncology Bucharest
Alexandru Grigorescu
04 Aprilie 2017
On the other hand, I want to make a short presentation of the Institute of Oncology Bucharest (IOB) which will be in short time the host of a major scientific and educational event: Scientific Days of the Institute of Oncology Bucharest.
IOB is a comprehensive cancer center with about 650 beds. We have clinical departments for thoracic surgery, abdominal surgery, and breast cancer surgery. As well, we have three departments of radiotherapy (with 180 beds), and two departments for medical oncology (with 136 beds).The institute has a department for pediatric oncology, and an ambulatory department that treats about 250 patients per day.
Our institution has a good experience in the radioablation of liver metastases and laser ablation of lung metastases. The radiotherapy department performs 2D and 3D radiotherapy, and, more recently, intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). It was also created an important sub-department of metabolic radiotherapy.
In the ambulatory system, we have specialists in endocrinology, ophthalmology, head and neck, neurology and dermatology. As well, the institute has an important department for intensive care.
Basic research is also well represented by a nucleus of researchers who conduct many research supported by competitive grants. Also, they maintain a large biobase useful for research in our institution and for others.
There is, for the moment, a small sub-department for palliative care included in the Medical Oncology Department. We also have a sub-department of palliative care for children, with 5 beds, that is included in the Department of Pediatric Oncology. For conceiving the integration of medical oncology with palliative care, our institution was accredited as a “ESMO Designed Center for Integrated Medical Oncology and Palliative Care”, which is an important international recognition.
It is a pleasure for me to announce that between the 18th and the 20th of May will be held the Scientific Days of the Institute of Oncology Bucharest.
Alexandru C. GRIGORESCU, MD, PhD
IOB is a comprehensive cancer center with about 650 beds. We have clinical departments for thoracic surgery, abdominal surgery, and breast cancer surgery. As well, we have three departments of radiotherapy (with 180 beds), and two departments for medical oncology (with 136 beds).The institute has a department for pediatric oncology, and an ambulatory department that treats about 250 patients per day.
Our institution has a good experience in the radioablation of liver metastases and laser ablation of lung metastases. The radiotherapy department performs 2D and 3D radiotherapy, and, more recently, intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). It was also created an important sub-department of metabolic radiotherapy.
In the ambulatory system, we have specialists in endocrinology, ophthalmology, head and neck, neurology and dermatology. As well, the institute has an important department for intensive care.
Basic research is also well represented by a nucleus of researchers who conduct many research supported by competitive grants. Also, they maintain a large biobase useful for research in our institution and for others.
There is, for the moment, a small sub-department for palliative care included in the Medical Oncology Department. We also have a sub-department of palliative care for children, with 5 beds, that is included in the Department of Pediatric Oncology. For conceiving the integration of medical oncology with palliative care, our institution was accredited as a “ESMO Designed Center for Integrated Medical Oncology and Palliative Care”, which is an important international recognition.
It is a pleasure for me to announce that between the 18th and the 20th of May will be held the Scientific Days of the Institute of Oncology Bucharest.
Alexandru C. GRIGORESCU, MD, PhD
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