A new achievement of the authors and editors of “Oncolog-Hematolog.ro” journal

Alexandru Grigorescu

26 Octombrie 2023

I believe that the indexing of the journal Oncolog-Hematolog.ro in Index Copernicus is an event that must be marked in this editorial. This is due to the joint efforts of the authors of the articles and the editor. I will present below the score obtained by our national oncology journal which shows that we are relatively close to a score that would introduce us to the Web of Science.

The maximum number of points that a journal can obtain from the entire “quality of the journal” criterion is 100. A journal can also receive negative points (e.g., for delays in publishing or for publishing combined issues) – maximum 4 points. Obtaining an ICV greater than 100 points by a journal means that it is indexed in the Web of Science and/or Scopus database and had bibliometric indicators in the two years preceding the year of assessment.

The indexing of our journal coincided with the Congress of the Romanian Society of Medical Oncology. The journal Oncolog-Hematolog.ro publishes the summaries of the studies sent to this congress. We consider that some original works have value, and we would be honored to be able to publish the articles based on these researches.

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