Obstetrics and Gynecology Issues

Radu Vlădăreanu

24 Martie 2022

This year’s first issue brings into the readers’ attention a series of very interesting case reports accompanied by pertinent literature reviews. 

To begin with, a rare sonographic finding, the chorionic bump, usually diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy, is discussed along with the main obstetric complications associated with it. The case of a 11-week secondary abdominal pregnancy is reported in a patient with an iatrogenic uterine perforation. Furthermore, a rare type of uterine neo­plasm is presented: uterine tumor resembling ovarian sex cord tumor (UTROSCT). As most of the times the diagnosis is incidental, the authors raise attention on this clinical entity, taking into account that it behaves as a tumor of low malignant potential. Although clearly being a benign tumor, the report of a case of a massive pediculated uterine leiomyoma prolapsed into the cervical canal emphasizes the therapeutic challenges that the surgical team faces approaching such a diagnosis.

Frequently, the literature describes single umbilical artery (SUA) as an isola­ted malformation, but here we present the case of a newborn diagnosed with SUA, unilateral renal agenesis, intra­ute­rine growth restriction and congenital hy­po­­thy­ro­idism.

Prematurity remains one of the major public health problems, being the main cause of perinatal morbimortality in developing countries. Moreover, as the prevalence of HPV infection is increasing among young people, its impact on pregnancy outcomes becomes an important issue, including prematurity, placental abnormalities and low birth weight.

As respiratory distress syndrome is one of the main complications in neonatal population, the topic of corticoste­roids administration before preterm birth is still under debate for almost three decades. Newest data show that offering corticotherapy at gestational ages of 34 0/7 weeks to 36 0/7 weeks is increasingly encouraged, revealing a reduced need for mechanical ventilation, surfactant use and a reduction in the length of hospital stay in the neonatal intensive care units.

A descriptive, retrospective study performed on 100 pregnant patients revealed the main complications associated with gestational diabetes: risk of caesarean section, high blood pressure, fetal distress and preterm birth. As World Health Organization predicted a significant increase in the prevalence of diabetes, it is important to raise clinicians’ awareness on this diagnosis and its multidisciplinary management.

Finally, we are glad to invite you to be part of two scientific events taking place this spring: The 12th National Conference of The Romanian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Cluj-Napoca, 7-9 April 2022) and The National Conference “Vasile Dobrovici” Medical Days (Iaşi, 5-7 May 2022). 

We are highly confident that all the participants will find interesting the topics being covered and also the courses that will take place (hands-on course on ART techniques, Voluson experience and hysteroscopy procedures). We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

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