
• Clinical aspects in gynecology
• The metabolic pattern for monitoring and management of gestational diabetes
• The prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal anomalies by quantitative fluorescence polymerase chain reaction in Romania – a five-year report from a new institute
• Current investigations in reproductive medicine – literature review
• From genes to clinical practice – the role of immunohistochemistry in the classification of breast carcinomas
• Clinical and surgical staging in patients with cervical cancer – a retrospective study regarding correlations between initial diagnosis, treatment options and histopathological results
• A rare case of operated OHVIRA syndrome with a pseudocyst
• Relapsed giant mucinous cystadenoma – clinical case
• March-May 2023 Calendar

Clinical aspects in gynecology

Radu Vlădăreanu

This edition of our journal begins in the obstetrics section with a paper about the metabolic model for the monitoring and management of gestationa...

30 martie 2023

The metabolic pattern for monitoring and management of gestational diabetes

Cristina Oana Daciana Teodorescu, Gabriel-Petre Gorecki, Liana Pleș, Romina-Marina Sima, Denisa-Oana Bălălău, Alexandru Filipescu, Andrei Teodorescu

Globally, the prevalence rate of overweight or obesity between 1980 and 2013 increased by 27.5% for adults and by 47.1% for children, to a total of...

30 martie 2023

The prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal anomalies by quantitative fluorescence polymerase chain reaction in Romania – a five-year report from a new institute

Lucian Frenţescu, Olivier Chakirou, Tunde Kovacs, Florin Stamatian

The prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal anomalies is of high importance in cases of pregnancies with increased risk, such as the mother’s age over 35...

30 martie 2023

Current investigations in reproductive medicine – literature review

Ana Veronica Uzunov, Daniela-Cătălina Meca, Diana Cristina Secară, Octavian Munteanu, Andreea Elena Constantin, Diana Vasilescu, Profesor universitar Claudia Mehedinţu, Valentin Nicolae Varlas, Monica Mihaela Cîrstoiu

Infertility represents an important public health problem, especially since its prevalence has increased over the last years. The latest estimation...

30 martie 2023

From genes to clinical practice – the role of immunohistochemistry in the classification of breast carcinomas

Flavia Ultimescu, Mihai Mitran, Anca Potecă, Elvira Brătilă, Maria Olinca

Tumor biology, in addition to tumor size, lymph node status and metastasis presence, is definitely important for prognosis and response to therapy....

30 martie 2023

Clinical and surgical staging in patients with cervical cancer – a retrospective study regarding correlations between initial diagnosis, treatment options and histopathological results

Mihai-Cristian Dumitraşcu, Adina-Elena Nenciu, Cătălin George Nenciu, Carmen Ursu, Andreea Ilieşiu, Alexandru Baroş, Diana Secară, Monica Mihaela Cîrstoiu

Cervical cancer represents a common public healthcare issue. Worldwide, it is on the fourth place in the list of common cancers in patients regardi...

30 martie 2023

A rare case of operated OHVIRA syndrome with a pseudocyst

Vineet V. Mishra, Smit B. Solanki, Athulya Shajan, Rohina Aggarwal

We present the case of a 26-year-old patient, nulligravida, married for a year, a known case of OHVIRA (obstructed hemivagina with ipsilateral rena...

30 martie 2023

Relapsed giant mucinous cystadenoma – clinical case

Diana Popovici, Răzvan Socolov, Loredana Hurjui, Cătălina Stan, Raluca Bălan, Ion Hurjui, Claudia Cristina Tărniceriu, Svetlana Bereşteanu, Ion Andrei Hurjui

Giant ovarian mucinous cystadenoma is a benign tumor in most cases and usually appears in adult or middle-aged women. The mucinous cystadenoma is a...

30 martie 2023

March-May 2023 Calendar

March-May 2023 Calendar

30 martie 2023


ISSN 2344-2301
e-ISSN 2457-3566
ISSN–L 2344-2301

Digital Supplement
  • ISSN 2457-5666
  • ISSN-L 2457-5666

Since 2015 indexed to EBSCO Academic Search & One Belt, One Road Reference Source and Index Copernicus.
Since 2021 indexed to DOAJ.
Crossref-DOI: 10.26416/Gine

Launched in 2013, the Magazine is dedicated to gynecologists, obstetricians, midwives and nurses in Romania. Magazine contains the peer review process, continuing the tradition established by the obstetrics & gynecology journals by offering useful informations to the specialists. The Journal together with the Romanian Society of Ultrasonography in Obstetrics & Gynecology and Romanian Society of Minimally Invasive Surgery in Gynecology aims to bring forward updated information in order to better inform and support the medical staff.
Following this brief description we hope that you become not only constant readers of the Magazine but also future collaborators in the publishing activity and with possible implication in the goals we wish to achieve. is published under the aegis of:
  • Romanian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Romanian Society of Ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Romanian Society for Human Papillomavirus
  • Romanian Urogynecology Society
  • East-European Society for Endometriosis and Infertility

Pentru anul 2024, revista „” este acreditată de Colegiul Medicilor din România cu 10 credite EMC (Grupa B+), conform adresei de acreditare nr. 10768/29.12.2023. 
Publicaţia este acreditată şi de OAMGMAMR cu 5 credite EMC pentru asistenţi medicali, moaşe şi asistenţi maternali, conform adresei de acreditare nr. 368/20.12.2023, valabilă pentru abonamentele pe întregul an calendaristic. 
Potrivit Deciziei Nr. 12/2018 a Colegiului Medicilor din România (CMR), privind reglementarea sistemului naţional de educaţie medicală continuă, a criteriilor şi normelor de acreditare a furnizorilor de educaţie medicală continuă, precum şi a sistemului procedural de evaluare şi creditare a activităţilor de educaţie medicală continuă adresate medicilor, autorilor care publică în reviste agreate de CMR li se acordă 30 de credite de educaţie medicală continuă (EMC) pentru un articol ştiinţific publicat. Existenţa a doi sau a mai multor autori pentru un articol apărut într-o publicaţie medicală agreată de CMR duce la împărţirea procentuală a creditelor acordate la numărul de autori menţionaţi. Pentru obţinerea creditelor EMC, în urma publicării unui articol ştiinţific, autorul trebuie să se adreseze colegiului medicilor teritorial, căruia îi prezintă articolul şi revista în care acesta a fost publicat. Magazine is published in English.

Beneficiile membrilor

Dedicat perfecţionării continue

Ai acces la conţinut de specialitate și primești credite EMC.

Informat în timp real

Afli în timp util cele mai relevante știri și descoperiri medicale.

Reţea extinsă, un singur centru

Găsești răspunsurile și conexiunile de care ai nevoie.
Vreau cont

Ediţii anterioare


  • EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Professor Radu VLĂDĂREANU (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest)
  • DEPUTY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Professor Daniel MUREŞAN (“Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca) SL Mihai MITRAN (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest)
  • EDITORIAL BOARD Professor Victoria ARAMĂ (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest) Dr. Diana BADIU (“Sf. Apostol Andrei” Clinical Emergency Hospital, “Ovidius” University Constanţa) Assoc. Professor Costin BERCEANU (University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova) Assoc. Professor Roxana BOHÎLŢEA (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest) Professor Elvira BRĂTILĂ (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest) Professor Monica CÎRSTOIU (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest) Assoc. Professor Camelia DIACONU (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest) Assoc. Professor Alexandru FILIPESCU (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest) Assis. Professor Sorin HOŞTIUC (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest) Assoc. Professor Crîngu-Antoniu IONESCU (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest) Assoc. Professor Claudia MEHEDINŢU (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest) Professor Marius MOGA Faculty of Medicine (“Transilvania” University, Braşov) Assoc. Professor Dan NĂVOLAN ("Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara) Professor Liana PLEŞ (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest) Professor Cătălina POIANĂ (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest) Lecturer Ana M.A. STĂNESCU (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest) Professor Simona VLĂDĂREANU (”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest) Professor Gabriela ZAHARIE (“Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca)
  • SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Nurse responsible for general care Carmen MAZILU (President of OAMGMAMR, Bucharest subsidiary) Nurse responsible for general care Angheluşa LUPU (Vice-president of OAMGMAMR, Bucharest subsidiary)
  • INTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Professor Aris ANTSAKLIS (Athens, Greece) Professor Frank CHERVENAK (NY, USA) Professor Vincenzo D'ADDARIO (Bari, Italy) Professor Valentin FRIPTU (Chişinău, Republic of Moldova) Professor Eberhard MERZ (Frankfurt/Main, Germany) Professor Gianni MONNI (Cagliari, Italy) Professor Milan STANOJEVIC (Zagreb, Croatia) Professor Liliana VOTO (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Professor Ivica ZALUD (Honolulu, USA)