This edition of our journal begins by pointing out the impact that COVID-19 pandemic – this new challenge all over the world – had on the training ...
In the last decades, the 11-14-week ultrasound scan has become a routine, offering the best compromise between early detection and the amount of in...
Anorectal atresia (ARA) is a congenital anomaly, with a significant incidence, of 1:1500 to 1:5000 in newborns(1,2). This malformation can be isola...
In recent decades, the demographics of pregnant women have changed, with an increase of women giving birth at an older age and which, associated wi...
Adolescence is defined by World Health Organization (WHO) as the period of transition from childhood to adult lifetime in the population aged betwe...
Fetal atrioventricular heart block (FAVB) is a rare congenital heart condition that affects the electrical signals in the heart. The condition occu...
Neuroendocrine tumors are rarely found in the genital tract, making up approximately 2% of all gynecological tumors(1). In most cases, they appear ...
Hyperglycemia can be a severe complication in the first weeks of life for 60-80% of extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants, and it has been asso...
Congenital defects of the kidney and urinary tract represent approximately 20-30% of all malformations identified in the prenatal period(1). These ...
La Editura Medicală a apărut lucrarea Senologie benignă (455 de pagini). Autorul, dr. Ştefan Voiculescu, promovează insistent recomandările de...
Since 2015 indexed to EBSCO Academic Search & One Belt, One Road Reference Source and Index Copernicus.
Since 2021 indexed to DOAJ.
Crossref-DOI: 10.26416/Gine